Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Almost a year later.......I am back.

I can't believe that it has been almost a year since my last post.  Reason, I totally forgot which email address and password I used.  Thump!!!.............Hand to forehead.       
                       So many things have happened in this time span.  Not sure if I can even list them all. The biggest change is that my son had started Kindergarten.    With this change, my life has also changed by getting a job.  I am now an in house seamstress for a bridal shop in Lincoln, Nebraska.   It is great being able to sew and play with brides.   But it is very stressful right now with going into the summer wedding seasons.    For anyone interested in alterations on wedding gowns, I may have to show some pictures  and narative to help break it down.      Now that I rememeber all of the information to get to post, I will be back.....                                              

1 comment:

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