Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Orphaned bumper pads....

I sit here and realize that it has been almost a month since I have posted. Bad blogger, bad blogger. Now, just so that you know, I have not been sitting watching soaps and eating bonbons.

I have been busy creating new nursery sets for the orphaned bumper pads that you find at the thrift store. I am feeling pretty proud of what has come out of this adventure.
I started with a lone bumper pad that I got for .99 cents. Headed to the fabric store to get matching fabric.

Was able to make comforter, dust ruffle, and 2 valances.
Originally it was going to be boy directed, but when I took a closer look at the toile like fabric that I picked out, I discovered that there is a girl and her mom on it. Talk about a change of plans. I then decided to add the dollies and yo-yo's to add a more feminine touch. I do think it worked.

Now I am on to my 3rd orphaned bumper pad project. Bring on the boys.
I will get photos posted of my first advanture in orphaned bumper pads lated today.

Monday, March 1, 2010


How can it possible be March already? It is just surprising how quickly a month flys by. February has been busy.
I did 26 boyshorts for Anderson-Hoxie Dance Project in Waverly. I didn't take any pictures of them and I really need to get better at that one.

I have been working on items for our annual Nebraska Bowhunting Association Banquet auction that is at the end of this week.

Then I have also been busy purchasing fabric to match 3 bumper pads that I bought from the thrift store for the Take 2 Kids Consignment sale at the end of April.

I have also been thinking of all the items that I would love to make for sale on either Etsy or Winkelf. So many ideas, not enough time.