OK, I have been alittle busy working on the list that I had to do from a couple of days ago
I got the Ebay items in the mail. All 9 pounds of it. Thank goodness for Flat Rate shipping.
Then on to pick those tomatoes.

I ended up picking 2, 5 gallon buckets full of tomatoes. We are growing, cherry, roma, beefy, yellow and another kind that I don't remember. I think that there is 7 plants in total. Kind of crazy. So, I am planning on making another batch of salsa and spaghetti sauce. A large majority of these tomatoes are going to a friend that is having a slow crop. But I am taking some of her green and banana peppers. Great trade.
Now on to the sewing room,
Warning! the following pictures are for only the strong of heart and stomach, or you have a room exactly like it. Before: This is as you are standing in my door way.
I know what you are thinking, How does she get anything done? As I sit and look at this mess, I wonder the
same thing.

Then there comes the rest of the room:
This is looking at my cutting table, or you could also call it the storage/pile
This is under said cutting table. I think I need to add a curtain so you don't have to look at all the stuff stored under it.

The on to the other wall and closet. In the corner is my pattern cabinet. I have alot of patterns but didn't not realize what the top of the cabinet looked like till now. The closet is behind all the wedding dresses. Wondering why do I have wedding dress, I will have keep you in suspense for alittle while and will let you know later.

This another picture of the door way looking in. You can see my son in all the stuff. Hoping that there is no pins on the floor for him to step on. LOL. Who am I kidding.

Not Quite the after, but much better. 
At least you can see the floor and I do believe that at this point, I have picked all the pins that I could see.

I am still working on cleaning the areas that have piles. But I know that it will be alittle while because of all the alterations that I will be doing in the coming weeks.
Next on the list to do is, start working on blankets for Take2 Kids Consignment sale in October and the alterations. Also have a blanket quilt that I have to work on for a lady so that she can give it to her granddaughter for Christmas.
Till Later